Cross-border water supply networks

The Border Focal Point Network (BFPN) announces the next edition of the «Beyond Borders: Breakfast Debate» series. This engaging series of online events aims to gather policymakers, stakeholders, and citizens to discuss how cross-border disaster, risk, and crisis management can build resilience within the European Union.

The EC next ‘Beyond Borders: Breakfast Debate’ titled ‘Cross-border water supply networks’, coming up online on Thursday 10th October 2024 from 10:00 to 11:00 CET. Register HERE

The 20th edition of the Beyond Borders Breakfast Debate will explore how cross-border cooperation can enhance water supply management, particularly in the EU, where over 60% of the territory lies within transboundary river basins. Rivers like the Danube, Rhine, and Meuse cross multiple national borders, making effective cooperation crucial for water security across Member States.

We will discuss strategies to reduce conflicts, promote shared benefits, and manage the challenges posed by global warming, such as decreased river flows and increased flood risks.

The webinar will also showcase successful examples of cross-border collaboration in water management and highlight the importance of European Territorial Cooperation in ensuring sustainable access to clean water.

The debate will feature an esteemed panel, including the following speakers:

  • Beniamino Brunati, DG REGIO, European Commission.
  • Hélène Masliah-Gilkarov, Technical Expert for Public Participation & Communication, ICPDR.
  • Gintaras Skamaročius, Independent expert in charge of the Pol-Lith b-solutions case.
  • [Moderator] Andrew Lansley, Member of the UK House of Lords and LOW Associates Strategic Counsel.

Stay tuned to the BFPN page on Futurium for the latest updates.

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