At the 163rd plenary session of the European Committee of the Regions (Brussels, 20-21 November 2024), several opinions on the future of territorial cooperation, and more specifically on cross-border cooperation, were adopted. In particular, they propose doubling its funding.
Regions and cities adopt proposals to reform Cohesion Policy and oppose any attempt to centralise it in the hands of national governments. More information on all the opinions and the session HERE
- “The future of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) post 2027” : opinion expressed by Karsten Uno Petersen (DK/PES), member of the regional assembly of South Denmark, who points out : “Border regions make up 40 percentage of the EU territory, and 30 percentage of the EU population lives in border regions. Therefore, funding for cross-border cooperation should be doubled in the next EU multiannual budget“.
- “Solving obstacles to the cooperation of emergency services in the EU’s border regions”: opinion submitted by Pavel Branda (CZ/ECR), Deputy Mayor of Rádlo: “The recommendations in the opinion identify the steps that need to be taken to strengthen cross-border cooperation in emergency services”.
- “EU budget and place-based policies: proposals for new design and delivery mechanisms in the MFF post-2027”: opinion submitted by Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis, President of the Corsican Assembly, Vice-President of the MOT.
- “A renewed Cohesion policy post 2027 that leaves no one behind”: opinion submitted by Emil Boc, Mayor of the Cluj-Napoca Municipality (Romania) and Vasco Alves Cordeiro, President of the European Committee of the Regions.